Automated Construction of Coverage Catalogues of ASTER Satellite Image for Urban Areas of the World

TitleAutomated Construction of Coverage Catalogues of ASTER Satellite Image for Urban Areas of the World
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2012
AuthorsMiyazaki, H, Iwao, K, Shibasaki, R
Conference NameInternational Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
KeywordsASTER, coverage catalogue, gazetteer, metadata database, urban area

We developed an algorithm to determine a combination of satellite images according to observation extent and image quality. The algorithm was for testing necessity for completing coverage of the search extent. The tests excluded unnecessary images with low quality and preserve necessary images with good quality. The search conditions of the satellite images could be extended, indicating the catalogue could be constructed with specified periods required for time series analysis. We applied the method to a database of metadata of ASTER satellite images archived in GEO Grid of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. As indexes of populated places with geographical coordinates, we used a database of 3372 populated place of more than 0.1 million populations retrieved from GRUMP Settlement Points, a global gazetteer of cities, which has geographical names of populated places associated with geographical coordinates and population data. From the coordinates of populated places, 3372 extents were generated with radiuses of 30 km, a half of swath of ASTER satellite images. By merging extents overlapping each other, they were assembled into 2214 extents. As a result, we acquired combinations of good quality for 1244 extents, those of low quality for 96 extents, incomplete combinations for 611 extents. Further improvements would be expected by introducing pixel- based cloud assessment and pixel value correction over seasonal variations.