Estimation of the grazing pressure with geographical heterogeneity in pasture of plateau region: a case study in Maduo Xian, Qinghai Province [in Japanese]

TitleEstimation of the grazing pressure with geographical heterogeneity in pasture of plateau region: a case study in Maduo Xian, Qinghai Province [in Japanese]
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsMiyazaki, H, Yan, W
JournalPapers on environmental information science
Keywordsgeographical heterogeneity, grazing pressure, MODIS, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, remote sensing, SRTM

There are serious land degradations caused by overgrazing in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Regional planning to preserve the plateau ecosystem is urgently needed. This study estimates grazing pressure considering the geographical heterogeneity of pasture productivity and grazing intensity using MODIS images and SRTM DEM. A case study in Maduo Xian, Qinghai Province shows the accessible lands are limited. At the accessible land, grazing activities are notably intense and grazing pressure is high. Additionally, this study shows that the extent of overgrazing is huge in comparison with accessible lands although the actual area is small. This knowledge will assist to make plans for the land conservation.