Care for Disaster Risk Reduction and Communication: Lessons Learned and Way to Forward

TitleCare for Disaster Risk Reduction and Communication: Lessons Learned and Way to Forward
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsKanbara, S, Miyagawa, S, Miyazaki, H
EditorKanbara, S, Miyagawa, S, Miyazaki, H
Book TitleDisaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in Uncertainty
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
ISBN Number978-3-030-98297-3

We have contributed to the mutual support of the community, not within the framework of medical care or disaster prevention to health and well-being directly contributed to SDG 3. Through the care of local nurses who can flexibly respond to any disaster, we have been visualizing the care and communication for disaster risk reduction while using new technologies. The local nurse is a knowledge base that exists continuously in the community and is most concerned with the health, safety, and security of the people in the society. It is expected to play a coordinating role in local health crises from the long-term and holistic perspective forward. ``Target 3.d strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries.'' Therefore, it is critical to update the knowledge about ``early warning, risk reduction, and management of national and global health risks.'' Its social context and commitment to a sustainable future need to be revised and updated periodically to keep pace with new technologies and developments. Mutual support involving community-based organizations, private nonprofit organizations, private companies, educational and research institutions, and academic institutions is also essential. Broadening the space for action and allowing for more dialogue were also required to enable each institution to coordinate its response as appropriate. Thinking within a diverse global agenda frameworks allows for a multilateral and multisectoral approach to realizing the SDGs. This book would show a comprehensive ``big blueprint'' for global citizen to understand. ``No one's health and well-being will be left behind'' through disaster nursing and disaster risk reduction with emerging communication and data.
