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Y. Akiyama, Miyazaki, H., and Sirikanjanaanan, S., Development of micro population data for each building: Case study in Tokyo and Bangkok, 2019 First International Conference on Smart Technology & Urban Development (STUD). Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019.
G. Dadhich, Miyazaki, H., and Babel, M., Applications of SENTINEL-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Floods Damage Assessment: a Case Study of Nakhon SI Thammarat, Thailand, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 42, no. 2/W13. 2019.
L. N. Deshapriya, Dailey, M. N., Hazarika, M. Kumar, and Miyazaki, H., Vec2Instance: Parameterization for Deep Instance Segmentation. 2020.
I. Detchev, Kanjir, U., Reyes, S. R., Miyazaki, H., and Aktas, A. F., Latest Developments of the Isprs Student Consortium, ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2016.
B. Devkota, Kim, K., Zhuang, C., and Miyazaki, H., Disaggregate Hotel Evaluation by Using Diverse Aspects from User Reviews, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). 2019.
B. Devkota, Miyazaki, H., Witayangkurn, A., and Kim, S. Minsun, Using Volunteered Geographic Information and Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data to Identify Tourism Areas of Interest, Sustainability, vol. 11, p. 4718, 2019.
B. Devkota and Miyazaki, H., An Exploratory Study on the Generation and Distribution of Geotagged Tweets in Nepal, 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). 2018.
B. Devkota and Miyazaki, H., Development of Social Media Data Collection System and Its Preliminary Analysis, International Conference on Urban Geoinformatics. New Delhi, India, 2017.
B. Devkota, Miyazaki, H., and Pahari, N., Utilizing User Generated Contents to describe Tourism Areas of Interest, 2019 First International Conference on Smart Technology & Urban Development (STUD). Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019.
Y. Duan, Shao, X., Shi, Y., Miyazaki, H., Iwao, K., and Shibasaki, R., Unsupervised Global Urban Area Mapping via Automatic Labeling from ASTER and PALSAR Satellite Images, Remote Sensing, vol. 7, pp. 2171-2192, 2015.
U. Dwivedi, Miyazaki, H., and Shibasaki, R., Building type classification in Mozambique using mobile phone data, high-res satellite images, night-time light data and digital surface model, in Mapping Urban Areas from Space Conference 2018, Roma, Italy, 2018.
U. Dwivedi, Guo, Z., Miyazaki, H., Batran, M., and Shibasaki, R., Development of Population Distribution Map and Automated Human Settlement Map Using High Resolution Remote Sensing Images, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2018.
M. Regina Estuar, Miyagawa, S., Pulmano, C., Victorino, J. Noel, Ohta, S., Miyazaki, H., and Kanbara, S., Management of Health- and Disaster-Related Data, in Disaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in Uncertainty, S. Kanbara, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 285–296.
S. Kanbara, Pandey, A., Estuar, M. Regina E., Lee, H. Ju, and Miyazaki, H., EpiNurse, Health Monitoring by Local Nurses on Nepal Earth Quake 2015, in Public Health and Disasters: Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in Asia, E. Ying Yang Chan and Shaw, R., Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020, pp. 229 - 244.
S. Kanbara, Joshi, A. Shrestha, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Sustainable Development Goals SeriesDisaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in UncertaintyCare for Disaster Risk Reduction, S. Kanbara, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 31 - 39.
S. Kanbara, Ngatu, N. Roger, Pokhrel, T., Pandey, A., Sharma, C., Lee, H. J., Miyagawa, S., Miyazaki, H., and Nojima, S., The 2015 Nepal Earthquake Disaster: Is the Threat of Occurrence of Communicable Disease Epidemic Over?, International Journal of Indonesian National Nurses Association (IJINNA), vol. 1, pp. 105-110, 2018.
S. Kanbara, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Eds., Sustainable Development Goals SeriesDisaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in Uncertainty. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
S. Kanbara, Aharonson-Daniel, L., Miyazaki, H., Cohen, O., Benin-Goren, O., Yifrah, D., and Arai, A., Innovative Technological Approaches for Community Resilience, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, vol. 32. pp. S191-S191, 2017.
S. Kanbara, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Care for Disaster Risk Reduction and Communication: Lessons Learned and Way to Forward, in Disaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in Uncertainty, S. Kanbara, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 337–346.
M. Kii, Goda, Y., Vichiensan, V., Miyazaki, H., and Moeckel, R., Assessment of Spatiotemporal Peak Shift of Intra-Urban Transportation Taking a Case in Bangkok, Thailand, Sustainability, vol. 13, p. 6777, 2021.
