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H. Miyazaki, Iwao, K., and Shibasaki, R., A Crowd-Sourcing System with Web Mapping Systems for Ground Information Database of Global Urban Area Mapping, in 3rd Geospatial Information Forum for Students and Young Engineers, Osaka, Japan, 2011.
H. Miyazaki, Iwao, K., and Shibasaki, R., Development of New Urban Extent Map with lntegration of ASTER/VNIR Classified Map and Existing Urban Extent Maps, in ASTER Workshop - ASTER Science Team Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2008, pp. 10-11.
H. Miyazaki, Tanaka, A., Iwao, K., and Shibasaki, R., A Method for Developing Urban Extent Map of High Accuracy and Resolution by Integrating ASTER/VNIR Images and Existing Urban Extent Maps, Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 48, pp. 82–96, 2009.
H. Miyazaki, Nagai, M., and Shibasaki, R., Reviews of Geospatial Information Technology and Collaborative Data Delivery for Disaster Risk Management, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 4, p. 1936, 2015.
H. Miyazaki, Applications of Earth Observation Data from Small-scale Satellites for Disaster Management by Combinations with Open Geospatial Data, in 3rd Human Resource Development and Space Data Utilization for Disaster, Bali, Indonesia, 2020.
H. Miyazaki, Iwao, K., and Shibasaki, R., Automated Construction of Coverage Catalogues of ASTER Satellite Image for Urban Areas of the World, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XXXIX. pp. 497–500, 2012.
A. Oba and Miyazaki, H., Activities of the Studnt Forum of the Geoinformation Forum Japan, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XXXIX. pp. 153–154, 2012.
A. Sharma and Miyazaki, H., Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment in Urban Planning and Development Using AHP, ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 4238. pp. 363–371, 2019.
R. Shibasaki, Fukuyo, T., Miyazaki, H., Verspieren, Q., and Anbumozhi, V., Integrated Spaced-Based Geospatial System: Strengthening ASEAN's Resilience and Connectivity. Jakarta, Indonesia: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, 2018.
S. Sirikanjanaanan, Somwang, A., Jitkuntee, P., and Miyazaki, H., Land Cover Change Analysis of Metro Manila, the Philippines using Time-Series Landsat Data for 1989, 2004 and 2019, in 宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価: 生研フォーラム論文集= Monitoring of Global Environment and Disaster Risk Assessment from Space: the IIS Forum proceedings, 2021.
H. Sritart, Tuntiwong, K., Miyazaki, H., and Taertulakarn, S., Disparities in Healthcare Services and Spatial Assessments of Mobile Health Clinics in the Border Regions of Thailand, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no. 20, p. 10782, 2021.
H. Sritart and Miyazaki, H., Geographic Information System (GIS) and Data Visualization, in Disaster Nursing, Primary Health Care and Communication in Uncertainty, S. Kanbara, Miyagawa, S., and Miyazaki, H., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 297–307.
H. Sritart, Miyazaki, H., Kanbara, S., and Hara, T., Methodology and Application of Spatial Vulnerability Assessment for Evacuation Shelters in Disaster Planning, Sustainability, vol. 12, p. 7355, 2020.
H. Sritart, Taertulakarn, S., Kanbara, S., and Miyazaki, H., Spatial Equity and Healthcare Access in the COVID-19 Pandemic, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, New York, NY, USA, 2022.
T. Takano, Morita, H., Nakamura, S., Miyazaki, H., Pattara-atikom, W., and Piamsa-nga, N., Impact of Rainfall on Urban Traffic Flow based on Probe Vehicle Data in Bangkok, First International Conference on Smart Technology & Urban Development (STUD 2019). Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019.
Q. Weng, Gamba, P., Mountrakis, G., Pesaresi, M., Lu, L., Kemper, T., Heinzel, J., Xian, G., Jin, H., Miyazaki, H., Xu, B., Quresh, S., Keramitsoglou, I., Ban, Y., Esch, T., Roth, A., and Elvidge, C. D., Urban Observing Sensors, in Global Urban Monitoring and Assessment through Earth Observation, CRC Press, 2014, pp. 49-80.
H. Miyazaki, Iwao, K., and Shibasaki, R., Development of High-Resolution Population Database from ASTER-Derived Urban Area Map, The Third International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications. Changsha, China, 2014.
